The year was 2006, I had just completed 3 years of herbal medicine study and my husband and I decided it was time for a change. Having grown up in Colorado, I was looking forward to an adventure in a new state with new opportunities. Our search led us to Clear Lake, Iowa. My prayer that I might find a community with alternative healers was answered when I received a call from Mary Curtis who was one of 5 partners that had started The Healing House -just 2 blocks from the home we had just purchased. In 2007 I started working at the Healing House as an Herbalist and Massage Therapist.
The house that the Healing House was located had been painstakingly and lovingly refurbished and redecorated. I loved coming to work each day, surrounded by amazing healers but in 2008 the partnership disbanded for a myriad of reasons and they offered to sell me the business and building. Another great opportunity for change and I was now in business for myself. I ran the Healing House Herb Shop, as I now called it, for 8 years-teaching many classes in the community, developing and hosting The North Iowa Herb Fest, running the herb shop and providing massage.
Life was great...and then in 2017 change hit again; my dear husband Jerry, retired-deservedly so. This change forced me to start thinking about 401 k’s, Insurance, security...and sure enough an opportunity for a job that offered all these things came up. (I’ve always believed that if the Universe offers, it’s a good idea to look into it, and up to this point-it’s worked out pretty well for me)
Fast forward one year-I took the job-it was a great experience and another opportunity for change. I realized after 10 months that this new job did not fill my soul but it did gave me the opportunity I needed to step away from the Healing House and gain fresh insight. The perspective I gained is my work as an herbalist, nutritionist, health coach and massage therapist is my passion. So back to my shop I came with new purpose and drive. I also came back with an idea for a new name-a name for my business that I choose-one that resonates with me and the path that I walk and that new name is Journey Health Shop.
Why “Journey Health Shop”
-I realize that we are all on a journey-some people may think it’s the destination or the place we end up that matters, but for me its about he path we choose to be on, the choices we make daily, that over time create the journey that is our life. Now I’ve never preached that there is only one path one must walk-life is too colorful for it to be that black and white, and I know there is not a perfect path-lord knows I’m far from perfect in my choices; but if we have an idea of what we want-such as joy, love, good health- then I know the more days you make an actual conscious effort to create those things in your life, the more they actually show up. I also know when it comes to health-which is where I specialize- the more days you choose healthy the more days you may end up having to continue on your path. For me that means more opportunities for joy, for love, for laughs, for travel, for family, for change, for life.
I want to help people find easier ways to be on the path to health. Be it either helping you to sift through the quagmire of health information out there, reviewing your vitamins and/or medications, offering the best supplements money can buy, or mixing up an herbal tea or natural remedy for you or your family, my goal is to be the best local Health Shop in North Iowa. With my retired husband by my side and his medical background-I believe we’ll be a powerful resource for people trying to figure out how to combine natural therapies with modern medicine. Together we’ll be able to bring a well rounded -commonsense- approach to health and help you achieve what you desire.
This is my Passion, This is my Journey-
Join Me in choosing Health!
Christen Sherwood~Herbalist
(and Jerry Nelson~retired...)